Widerrufsbelehrung für kostenpflichtige Inhalte (Musiknoten, Arrangements, Kompositionen)

Stand 05.02.2025

1. Einführung

1.1. Rechtsbehelf (Auszug)

3. Erlöschen des Widerrufsrechts

Mit bestätigen der Checkbox „Widerrufsbelehrung gelesen und verstanden“ bestätigt der Besteller das erlöschen des Widerrufsrecht nach Erhalt der Lieferung (gemäß „AGBs für kostenpflichtige Inhalte“)

Mit bestätigen der Checkbox „AGBs für kostenpflichtige Inhalte gelesen und verstanden“ ist der Besteller über die Lieferungs- und Zahlungsmodalitäten für kostenpflichtige Inhalte vertraut.

4. Vertragserfüllung

Das Widerrufsrecht erlischt nach vollständiger Vertragserfüllung durch:

VENIVICTA.de Martin Heinrichs Mauritiusstr. 7
78628 Rottweil

Der Vertrag ist seitens VENIVICTA.de erfüllt wenn dem Besteller die Lieferung gemäß der Produktbeschreibung per E-mail zugesandt wurde.

5. Bereitstellung der Informationen zum Erlöschen des Wiederruf

Siehe 2. und durch Verlinkung auf der Seite im laufenden Bestellprozess sowie öffentlich zugänglich im Footer der Seite.

Download der Widerrufsbelehrung als PDF. (DE/EN)

Cancellation policy for paid content (sheet music) from VENIVICTA.de

Status as of 05.02.2025

1. Introduction

1.1. Legal remedy (extract)

German Civil Code (BGB)

§ Section 356 Right of cancellation for contracts concluded outside business premises and distance contracts

(5) The right of cancellation shall also expire for contracts for the provision of digital content not on a physical data carrier under the following conditions:

2. in the case of a contract which obliges the consumer to pay a price, if

a) the trader has started to fulfil the contract,

b) the consumer has expressly consented to the trader commencing performance of the contract before expiry of the cancellation period,

c) the consumer has confirmed that he is aware that his right of cancellation expires with the commencement of the performance of the contract as a result of his consent in accordance with letter b), and

d) the trader has provided the consumer with a confirmation in accordance with Section 312f.

1.2. information about the products

The products (sheet music, individual parts, compositions, arrangements) offered on the pages of VENIVICTA.de are 1. digital products which are also 2. strictly protected by copyright.

1.3. information on the content of the products

The customer is given the opportunity to examine the product in advance by means of audio samples (partly created digitally) and sample copies for viewing on the pages of VENIVICTA.de. It is also possible to contact us directly if you are interested in additional information about the product.

2. fulfilment of the contract

The right of cancellation expires after complete fulfilment of the contract by:


Martin Heinrichs Mauritiusstr. 7
78628 Rottweil

The contract has been fulfilled by VENIVICTA.de when the delivery has been sent to the customer by e-mail in accordance with the product description.

Cancellation of the contract due to non-acceptance is not possible!

Not affected by this: The subsequent delivery due to incomplete delivery (scope of delivery is described in the product or according to the cast list)

4. provision of information on the expiry of the revocation

See 2. and by linking on the page in the current order process as well as publicly accessible in the footer of the page.

Download the cancellation policy as PDF (DE/EN).